
Download evernote windows
Download evernote windows

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It also seems that your definition of a fanatic is anyone who dare disagrees with you. You also show your sexist mindset with thinking that adding "girl" vs "boy" to the end of your insult, makes it worse. We've all read your insult laden tirades because you copy/paste them, ad nauseum. Good for you your writing on your s8.I could be writing this on my 950xl, my blackberry bold, my iphone, my note, etc.what does that have to do with anything.you are still a fangirl if you think apps leaving the platform is good! OPEN YOUR EYES. So, Please give up with the holy'er than thou ****. Let's not forget how your almighty microsoft cut onedrive storage to nothing without paying for it. Developers start developing and fangirls will only use MICROSOFT branded apps. That mentality is what got the windows mobile platform to where it is. Because it's because of said fangirls not getting upset when apps like this leave, but instead.say, ahh, onenote is better never used "XXX" app. I get responses like yours which are quite funny, 3. I OWN DEVICES FROM ALL PLATFORMS.INCLUDING WINDOWS MOBILE! I can call people fangirls because 1. Just go against me because I go against the microsoft crowd.

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